Mentor training
- In-company and inter-company - face-to-face or distance learning via TEAMS
A unique programme
strengthening their support, in particular by increasing the professionalism of their staff
company tutors.
Learning objectives
This tutoring course provides you with the methods and tools you need to prepare your meetings with
the person you are working with, and gradually help them to become more independent in their
Next school year :
Learning objectives
• Position yourself effectively as a tutor
• Raising awareness of learning mechanisms, communication techniques and relationship management in order to create the “right” reflexes so that the tutor/apprenticeship master has the right vision when decoding situations.
• Develop operational tools for imparting skills, organising apprentices’ training pathways on a progressive basis and assessing progress and skills acquired
• Understand the role of the apprenticeship supervisor in the training system, alongside and in collaboration with the apprentice training centre (CFA)
• Assessing to help apprentices progress
teaching staff
teaching and technical resources
System for monitoring the implementation of the evaluation of training results
admission requirements
Methods used :
The tutor
L’objectif de cette formation est de réduire le nombre d’apprentis et de travailleurs occasionnels qui quittent le marché du travail.
renforcer leur soutien, notamment en augmentant le professionnalisme de leur personnel
company tutors.
Becoming a tutor means sharing your know–how, supporting the development of your skills in the workplace and helping you to improve.
to help them integrate into the company or establishment. For
To provide the best possible support, tutors need to be aware of their own knowledge and skills.
doing, putting their experience into words, communicating effectively, providing support…
This tutoring course provides you with the methods and tools you need to prepare your meetings with
the person you are working with, and gradually help them to become more independent in their