1-year preparatory course
BTS HCM preparation
- Rungis and Strasbourg
About the course
A unique programme
A dense programme, guaranteeing your rapid rise in competence. Our learning through experience will enable you to master the skills and know-how that are essential to sublimate your talents and become the leaders of tomorrow. You will have the ability to discern to act and decide in an international context.
Holders of this refresher course can then go on to study for a BTS in hotel management.
catering for 2 years at ASTERIA.
Following a vocational BTS HCM course, students can enter the job market by
work. The BTS is well-recognised in the hotel and catering industry, and is a great way to find a job.
If you want to work directly in a professional environment, you don’t necessarily need to continue your studies.
catering for 2 years at ASTERIA.
Following a vocational BTS HCM course, students can enter the job market by
work. The BTS is well-recognised in the hotel and catering industry, and is a great way to find a job.
If you want to work directly in a professional environment, you don’t necessarily need to continue your studies.
Preparation for Bac+2 over 1 year
Rungis and Strasbourg
Work-linked and/or initial training
2 or 3 weeks in a company (depending on the site) and 1 week of classes, 720 hours, i.e. 20 weeks.
Next school year :
September 2024
assessment procedures
All the validation procedures can be viewed in the HCM LEVEL UP
reference guide on request.
pedagogical modalities
- Practical teaching: knowledge acquired through alternating courses, lectures, e–learning, teamwork, with an emphasis on autonomy and responsibility.
- High-performance supervision: trainers, lecturers and specialised consultants work as professionals to provide a high level of teaching.
Join asteria
admission requirements
- Applicants must hold a bachelor’s degree.
- L’admission (quelle que soit la voie) se fait sur la base d’un dossier de candidature, de tests écrits et d’un entretien de motivation.
- Candidates for the course must provide proof of their level by means of a diploma or certificate of achievement.
- For foreign diplomas, a certificate from the CIEP will automatically be required for
provide proof of equivalent level.
Business focus
Hotel and catering manager
After the BTS HCM.
Types of jobs available :
- For Option A: Maître d’hôtel (MH), Premier Maître d’hôtel, Sommelier, Chef barman
- For Option B: Demi-chef de partie, Chef de partie, Second de cuisine
- For Option C: Assistant Gouvernant, Gouvernant d’étages, Community manager, Chef de brigade réception, Assistant chef de réception
- After one or more years of professional experience, holders of the BTS in Hotel and Restaurant Management may be offered positions of responsibility such as :
- For Option A: Assistant Restaurant Manager, Head Sommelier, Assistant Manager, Manager
- For Option B: Head Chef, Production Manager, Assistant Manager, Manager
- For Option C: Hospitality Manager, General Housekeeper, Revenue or Yield Manager, Head of Reception, Accommodation Manager, Deputy Manager, Manager, etc.
Nevertheless, it is not impossible to want to continue your studies. Training courses are available, particularly if you want to specialise further. Here are a few examples:
- Management degree
- Bachelor Marketing
- Bachelor of Management
- Professional qualification in Tourism Establishment Management
Then, after gaining a bac+3, it is possible to specialise in Master’s courses such as :
- Master’s degree in Operational Business Management (MODA)
- Master in Management